Configuring Appearance

This page describes how to configure the Appearance of EasyMailer


To configure the Appearance of EasyMailer select from the preferences menu on the main window 'General Appearance' selectappear.gif (6701 bytes)

The appearance configurer window will then appear.


confold.gif (10554 bytes)


The Folders (picture above): The Folder tab lets you configure how the folders are displayed in the folder list box (top left of main window).


You can set the FONT, FORE COLOUR (font colour) and BACK COLOUR of the folder box. Click on 'Default Settings' to restore the default settings for the folder boxes appearance.


The Accounts: This is where the email accounts are displayed on the main window.

You can set the FONT, FORE COLOUR (font colour) and BACK COLOUR of the accounts box. Click on 'Default Settings' to restore the default settings for the account boxes appearance.


confacc.gif (10460 bytes)


The Message Grid: This is the grid where the emails are displayed on the main form.

You can set the HEADER FONT (Subject, From, To etc..), GRID FONT (font for the emails in the grid), CAPTION FONT (In the example below 'Sample Grid'),   FORE COLOUR (font colour for the emails in the grid) and BACK COLOUR of the grid. Click on 'Default Settings' to restore the default settings for the message grids appearance.


confgrid.gif (15718 bytes)


The Message Display: This is where the text for plain text emails is displayed on the main window.

You can set the FONT (font for the text) and BACK COLOUR of the message display area. Click on 'Default Settings' to restore the default settings for the message display areas appearance.


confmess.gif (12198 bytes)







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