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InfoFilter v2
InfoFilter v2

<download trial version>, <purchase>, <prices>, www.ERFilter.com

Why use InfoFilter?

At the moment news and information is becoming very very abundant and widespread on the Internet. Even in a small subject area there will be many web sites that will have current information about that specific subject area. It is now impractical for someone to regularly look at all of these web sites. This is where InfoFilter comes in, it is a news and information gathering and display program. It is capable of getting the news off a number of user specified web sites and generating web pages containing that news for you to view. This is not all that InfoFilter can be used for though, you can also:

  • Look at what your competitors are currently doing
  • Get current information about a certain subject area (eg Health, Headline News or your favourite game).
  • Educational Support Tool, you can use InfoFilter to increase your knowledge on a certain topic.
  • InfoFilter can be used for anything that involves getting information from many different web sites, and putting it all together in once place for you.

See an online demo of what a site generated by InfoFilter could look like. Please note that you would need Enterprise Resource Filter to actually create a site like this: www.ERFilter.com 


Some of the features of InfoFilter 1 are:

InfoFilter is packed full of great features to allow you to get information from all the sites you want and then generate web pages containing that information as fast and easily as possible.

Easy to use - Within 1 minute of installing InfoFilter you could be viewing the latest news topics. This is due to the fact that InfoFilter is so easy and natural to use. If you ever get stuck there is a comprehensive help file included.

Totally Customisable - You can  customise almost every aspect of InfoFilter, areas you can customise include: the layout and look of the web pages it generates, the look and feel of InfoFilter itself, how InfoFilter operates, multiple user profiles, what sites to get information from and much more.

Multi Threaded - InfoFilter will download web pages from multiple web sites at the same time, thus saving you time.

Bandwidth Minimisation - InfoFilter uses up very little bandwidth, so it will not have much effect on the speed of your internet connect for other programs like email or web.

Multiple User Profiles - You can set up different user profiles for InfoFilter, this would allow several people to use InfoFilter on the same computer. Or you could have a work profile and a leisure profile. - You can set up different user profiles for InfoFilter, this would allow several people to use InfoFilter on the same computer. Or you could have a work profile and a leisure profile.

Skin Plugable - InfoFilter can accept skins. These skins specify a certain look for the generated web pages. When using InfoFilter you can easily select which skin to use. Adding and removing skins is as simple as copying a few files to your computer.



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