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BlowfishFileDecrypt Method

Cryptocx v7 User Guide


BlowfishFileDecrypt Method

This is the method that you use to decrypt blowfish encrypted file. This method is complementary to the BlowfishFileEncrypt (448 bit strength) method that encrypts the file.



Decrypts blowfish encrypted file.


x = object.BlowfishFileDecrypt

The syntax of the BlowfishFileDecrypt method has these parts:

Part Description
object A Cryptocx v7 control.
x A string that becomes either "TRUE" or "Error: xxx" where xxx is the error message.

Remarks If for whatever reason the method fails to complete, the method will return some text stating exactly what has gone wrong, if the method runs ok then the output from the method will = "TRUE". 

"TRUE" or a string stating what went wrong beginning with "Error:"

Example Sample Visual Basic Code to decrypt a Blowfish encrypted file:

Where Cryptocx1 is an instance of a Cryptocx Control.

Cryptocx1.Password = txtBlowFilePass.Text
Cryptocx1.SourceFile = txtSourceFileBlow.Text
Cryptocx1.DestinationFile = txtDestinationFileBlow.Text
theResult = Cryptocx1.BlowfishFileDecrypt

'' Check to see what has happened (if the decryption went ok without errors)

If theResult = "TRUE" Then
'' Ok, the Decryption went well with no errors
 MsgBox theResult
End If





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