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BlowfishStringDecrypt Method

Cryptocx v7 User Guide


BlowfishStringDecrypt Method

This is the method that you use to decrypt blowfish encrypted data (cipher text). This method is complementary to the BlowfishStringEncrypt (448 bit strength) method.



Decrypts blowfish encrypted data (the cipher text).


x = object.BlowfishStringDecrypt

The syntax of the BlowfishStringDecrypt method has these parts:

Part Description
object A Cryptocx v7 control.
x A string that becomes the plain text after the method has run.

Remarks When the BlowfishStringEncrypt method runs, after encryption has taken place the encrypted text is base64 encoded. This means that the encrypted text can be displayed in a text box.

If this was not done, then the encrypted text would not be able to be displayed in a text box as the non printable ASCII would be ignored.

Using the code shown below it is possible to detect if an invalid password has been supplied to decrypt the text.

You need to specify the text to decrypt, this is done thought the use of the InputText property.

You also need to specify the Password to use.



Example Sample Visual Basic Code to decrypt some Blowfish encrypted text:

Where Cryptocx1 is an instance of a Cryptocx Control.

Cryptocx1.Password = txtBlowPass.Text
Cryptocx1.InputText = txtBlowEnc.Text
txtBlowPlain.Text = Cryptocx1.BlowfishStringDecrypt





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